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Making NFT royalties tradable and creating a win-win situation for artists and speculators.


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Project Description

NFTs have a very interesting feature: royalties We want that royalties get tradable. For now, you can only buy royalties from artist at our website. In traditional music industry, royalties are much more liquid. can be sold like shares by the artist (artist defines price and share amount to be sold). So, there seems to be a demand to make royalties more liquid and capitalize on them, but the current system is unfair to the artist. That was our Idea.

How it's Made

We deployed a contract in solidity on Zora Goerli, acting as the royalty contract that modified ERC721-contracts are be based on. When an ERC721 token is traded, royalties can be sent to our RoyaltyDistributor contract. Artists can register in the contract and specify their share value and the shares to be sold. We chose Zora because it is specifically targeting NFT projects, thus there is a high probability royalties will be enforced at some point on a protocol-level. We used metamask sdk and built the with frontend with next.js and an testing site to register artists. With some work and hustle we managed to get back-end mostly working. Front-end is definitely not done and some connections to back-end are still missing. We also thought about implementing covalent for our data stream.

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