RIP Protocol allows encrypted data to stay private while performing specific tasks on the blockchain. Although blockchain is public, RIP ensures sensitive information remains secure, letting users leverage blockchain benefits without revealing personal data.
RIP Protocol is a project designed to protect sensitive information on the blockchain while allowing it to perform specific functions without exposing it to the public. On most blockchains, data is transparent and accessible, which is beneficial for security and decentralization but unsuitable for handling sensitive information. RIP Protocol addresses this by ensuring encrypted data remains private, while still enabling it to be used within blockchain-based applications.
The protocol is ideal for scenarios where users need to manage private or sensitive information—such as personal identification or medical data—without making it public. RIP Protocol provides a solution by encrypting the data and restricting its use to specific conditions
Example with DNA:
Imagine you want to leave an inheritance for your children but need a way to prove their identity. Using RIP Protocol, you can encrypt your DNA data on the blockchain and set a condition that only someone with a matching DNA can claim the inheritance. When your children provide their DNA, it is privately matched with the encrypted data. No one else on the blockchain can access your DNA, but the protocol verifies the match and automatically releases the assets.
With RIP Protocol, users can securely manage private data in a decentralized environment, combining the privacy of encryption with the benefits of blockchain transparency.
Our main technology is multi-input functional encryption that allows data owner to restrict the use of his data to a specific function. This technology is very very immature, we have to dig through papers and github repositories to understand how it works. Then, we rewrote & modified the logic to make it into solidity itself. Hence now, our RIP protocol smart contract can take input of two encrypted data (encrypted DNA of both a father and a child) together with derived key, and calculate the function of these raw DNA data in smart contract, hence resulting in being able to on-chain verify if a child has a certain similarity to a dad on chain. If yes, the fund immediately transferred to the child.
We deploy on Sapphire, the world's first confidential EVM network to leverage the ability to generate random number in secure/ private environment as generating public/ private key for our data. Moreover, Sapphire allows us to seamlessly import data information onto blockchain as private transaction, hence making it more seamless to import data thats supposed to be private
To make sure that the raw data that is used for being encrypted to put in publicly is legit, not just random garbage. We leverage sign protocol to have hospital or relevant authority attest to our customized schema as "wallet address of user, wallet address of attester (hospital and such), and encrypted data from the health record (in this case). Our smart contract makes sure that besides computing the functional decryption to get the result of ML similarity algorithm of two DNAs of both a father and a child, it will also check if those encrypted datas are actually attested by relevant authority like hospital as well.
We leverage Noun since we believe in empowering people to think and perceive the world in a more fun and more curious way. We take pride in going out of comfort zone to try very under-explored technology like functional encryption.