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Rewarded P2P Caching

Peer to peer caching layer that rewards peers for distributed file sharing.

Rewarded P2P Caching

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

This project connects clients in a peer-to-peer network in the browser. Users can request files from a central server that contains a list of which peers have the file, and the server then tells the peers that have the files to send the file to the requesting peer. The peers receive a reward on the polygon network based on the files that they have shared this way. The goal is to build a foundation for the decentralization of the backend of the metaverse based on the issues we have faced while developing our project

How it's Made

This project uses peerjs to connect clients in a peer-to-peer network via WebRTC. Interaction with the server happens via Websockets to announce when users connect and when they have requested or received files. We wrote a solidity contract for the reward layer and deployed it to the polygon network.

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