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Users can create a profile and review other profiles creating a network of on-chain history.


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Project Description

RevNet: Building On-chain Review Histories with EAS on Base Network

In the digital age, the significance of reliable reviews cannot be understated. Platforms like Uber and Airbnb hinge on their transparent review systems. RevNet extends this idea to the blockchain ecosystem, leveraging the Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) to craft a transparent, cryptographically secure, and immutable review mechanism.

Project Details:

Profile Creation with EAS: Users initiate their RevNet journey by crafting an attestation-based profile. This includes essential details: a nickname, profile picture URI, Twitter handle, and a brief 'About Me' segment. Upon successful attestation, the profile creation modal disappears.

Review Mechanism: Users can effortlessly select any profile and pen a review. The review modal offers three distinct sections:

Profile Authenticity Check: A boolean checkbox where users can vouch for the accuracy of the profile information. Rating Scale: Users can rate profiles on a scale of 1-5. Feedback Segment: A space for users to share their thoughts and experiences regarding the profile in question. Review Metrics Display: RevNet calculates and showcases two crucial metrics:

Average Rating: An aggregate score based on user ratings, ranging from 1 to 5. Profile Authenticity Percentage: An algorithmically derived value that captures the perceived genuineness of the profile, displayed as a percentage. Interactive Feedback Ecosystem: Each review acts as an interactive node. Users can reply to these reviews, fostering conversations. These replies carry a boolean for "likes" and a string for user comments.

Decentralization and Open-Source Commitment: RevNet's foundation is its decentralized nature, encouraging an open review network. Its open-source nature invites enhancements and iterations from the global developer community.

Future Roadmap:

Enhanced Interaction: Features like nested replies, filters, and sort functionalities are on the horizon. UI/UX Upgrades: Visual improvements, including colored bars for scores, are in the pipeline. React Optimization: An imperative goal is to refine React effects, ensuring seamless updates post-review or reply creations. By melding the power of Base Network with the Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS), RevNet stands as a beacon of innovation in the review domain. As it matures, it promises not just to echo the successes of traditional platforms but to surpass them in transparency, security, and user engagement. The user can click on the Review button which gives them a boolean, uint8, and string. The boolean is a check box they can check if they believe the profile info is accurate. The uint is for a rating on a scale of 1-5. The string is to review that user. The average rating (1-5) and profile authenticity (0-100%) are avaraged and displayed. The review strings are listed below the profile.

On top of that, there is a reply option for each review, replies can be made to the review and these schemas have a boolean and string. The boolean is for a like and string for the reply.

This is a basic structure that could allow a decentralized and open review network of choice. There are many improvements and optimizations that could be made like adding front end functionality to keep replying, filter, sort according to whatever is relevent. Many UI improvments could be made like having colored bars show scores and stuff. Also, need to improve effect use in react so it updates after reviews and replys are created.

How it's Made

For RevNet, I harnessed the power of thirdweb's infrastructure to kickstart the project, providing a solid foundation for the innovative features I sought to incorporate. Central to this endeavor was the Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS), which not only posed a remarkable learning curve but also became the critical component upon which the entire review mechanism was built. My primary objective was to craft a decentralized review application, and EAS's protocol for ID and messaging was instrumental in achieving this. Their comprehensive documentation served as a roadmap, simplifying complexities and guiding the development process.

Opting for the Base Network for deployment was a strategic choice. Given Coinbase's vast user base and their potential to usher in a new wave of users into the web3 ecosystem, it made sense to ensure that the review and reply functionalities are both accessible and affordable. The last thing we'd want in a decentralized review system is for users to be deterred by exorbitant fees. EAS, with its plethora of resources, was invaluable in turning this vision into a tangible reality.

The journey of creating RevNet also saw me leaning heavily on tools like ChatGPT. In fact, I'm leveraging it right now for this very submission! It played a pivotal role throughout the project's life cycle, from brainstorming sessions to final touches, proving that the synergy of cutting-edge technologies can lead to groundbreaking solutions in the decentralized space.

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