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Discover real reviews with Proof of personhood! Our app ensures genuine feedback by verifying each reviewer’s identity. Say goodbye to fake reviews and hello to trusted, authentic insights


Created At

Superhack 2024

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Blockscout - Use Blockscout Block Explorer!

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Project Description

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ReviewChain is a review platform focused on providing genuine and reliable feedback. We use Worldcoin ID to verify the identity of every reviewer, ensuring that all reviews come from real people. This system helps prevent the issues of fake reviews and spam, maintaining the integrity of the feedback provided. Each review is securely recorded and verified, creating a transparent and trustworthy environment for users. By prioritizing accurate and authentic reviews, ReviewChain aims to help users make informed decisions based on reliable information.

  • A a new OP Stack rollup blockchain is deployed called ReviewChain for managing and securing reviews
  • Allow easy bridging between Ethereum and ReviewChain
  • Fetch verified reviews on ReviewChain
  • Uses proof of personhood to verify submission

How it's Made

•	Deployed a New Rollup with OP Stack Using Conduit: Set up a new rollup solution utilizing the OP Stack and Conduit framework. This includes configuring the rollup environment and ensuring it operates efficiently within the given parameters.
•	Designed and Deployed Smart Contract on the New Rollup: Created and deployed a smart contract specifically for the new rollup network. This contract handles key functionalities related to the platform, such as transaction processing or review management, ensuring it integrates seamlessly with the rollup’s infrastructure.
•	Verify Review Submission Using WorldID: Implemented a verification mechanism for review submissions by integrating WorldID. This ensures that each review is authenticated and tied to a verified identity, enhancing the credibility and trustworthiness of the reviews on the platform.
•	Fetch Transactions Using Conduit API: Utilized the Conduit API to retrieve transaction data from the new rollup. This API integration allows for efficient querying and retrieval of transaction records, which is crucial for monitoring and managing platform activities.
•	Balance and Block Explorer Powered by Blockscout API: Integrated Blockscout API to provide real-time balance checks and block exploration features. This setup enables users to track their account balances on both Ethereum and ReviewChain and explore blockchain transactions and blocks within the rollup network, enhancing transparency and user experience.
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