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Request Plugin Safe

Plugin to enable subscriptions on safe

Request Plugin Safe

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

  1. Using this plugin safe accounts can grant access to users or dapps for limited amount of assets to be withdrawn during a specific time frame or at regular intervals of time.
  2. Now this dapps can be anything like subscription based dapp or a dca dapp where tokens can be withdrawn at specific time intervals. Advantage of this dapp is safe accounts need not to deposit large amounts of tokens in this dapp at once but this dapp can withdraw limited amount of tokens from account with time constraints.
  3. This was the flow where safe grants access to users or dapps but using this plugin, users or dapps can also directly request tokens with a time constraint to safe account. And then safe account can approve these requests by checking the authenticity.


How it's Made

Enabling plugin on safe

background image mobile

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