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World's First Evidence-based On-chain Reputation Oracle. RepOracle allows smart contracts to access and use reputation data in real time, enhancing their functionality and reliability.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

WalletConnect - Innovation Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

RepOracle is a pioneering platform in the blockchain sector, positioned as the world's first evidence-based, on-chain reputation oracle.

Reputation plays a critical role in decision-making processes in various sectors, from e-commerce to content ranking systems like Google's search algorithm. Unlike traditional reputation systems that operate off-chain, RepOracle integrates reputation data directly onto the blockchain. This allows smart contracts to access and use reputation data in real time, enhancing their functionality and reliability.

How it's Made

Data Aggregation:

RepOracle compiles comprehensive reputation profiles for blockchain accounts. This involves aggregating data from various sources and organizing it into different categories, such as social profiles, on-chain activity, and security or compliance profiles.

Evidence Categorization:

To ensure the trustworthiness of the reputation data, RepOracle categorizes the evidence into three main types:

Mathematically Provable Data: This includes information like an account's age or nonce, which can be verified using zero-knowledge proof technologies.

Commonsensical Evidence: Data that are straightforward and can be validated by anyone, like token prices or Twitter follower counts. These are verified using optimistic proof services.

Expertise-Required Evidence: Certain types of data require specialized knowledge to analyze, such as determining if a transaction is part of an attack. RepOracle plans to use a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) to provide this expertise.

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