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A replication worker to automatically copy Filecoin deals N times across the network in accordance with the user defined policy based on number of replicas, region selection, latency, price, etc.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

This project is an attempt to create a reference architecture and a prototype of the idea outlined (here)[].

The high level idea is to

  • accept an user's deal policy (ie: number of replicas, region, price, etc)
  • allow the user to create the initial storage deal
  • replicate the deal across the network based on the number of replicas specified
  • monitor the deal to ensure the number of active deals do not fall below the number of replicas

How it's Made

This project is not integrated yet. I am currently stuck in creating the initial deal using filecoin.js. Without this I cannot make progress.

  1. I have a sample smart contract written that is expected to store the mapping of the replicaID with the associated deal ID.

  2. Yet to write another contract that would monitor the number of active deals.

  3. Accept a small charge to replicate and monitor the deals

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