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Nurture a digital amphibian with your friends and contribute to rainforest conservation.


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Project Description

Our free-to-play game creates unique drawings of real frog species (sometimes holding goofy objects). When you view the RegenFrogs Frame on Farcaster, you can adopt your own frog. Post your Frog Frame to your Farcaster feed, and let your followers feed and play with your pet. The more attention it gets from your followers, the longer it lives. Top followers are ranked on a leaderboard. Once the frog eventually meets its demise, you can mint a commemorative NFT to remember its life. All proceeds go towards the Rainforest Foundation charity to help frogs in real life!

When the frog eventually dies, the players who helped keep it alive can mint a commemorative NFT by making a donation to the Rainforest Foundation. The donation price for the NFT is chosen by the frog's owner and 100% of the donation amount is immediately forwarded to the charity onchain with every mint.

How it's Made

We used open source cookiecutters (produced by our consulting shop to quickly spin up a backend stack with Python, using Django for ORM and Admin, Graphene for graphql API, QCluster for async task execution, and ready-to-go Dockerfiles and Kubernetes manifests for quickly deploying highly available environments. Game logic is implemented via the task queue. is implemented for the frames, and Pinata for IPFS pinning.

Our task queue queries OpenAI for GPT4 ideas of frogs to draw, and then sends the prompts to Midjourney to bring them to life. This takes about 3-5 minutes per frog, so we pre-generate a large batch before any players arrive. Our frame verifies the FID and uses the GQL API to register the frog's status, calculate leaderboards, and display the proper frames for the game.

We built our frames with Frog.

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