Regenerative Lens

Enable Lens Protocol to create a social network with positive climate impact and gamified system

Regenerative Lens

Created At


Winner of

🥇 Toucan - Best use of Toucan Protocol

🥈 Lens Protocol — Best use of Collect Module

🏆 Chainlink — Best use of Chainlink

Project Description

Regenerative Lens improves lens protocol by adding a carbon offset follow and collect modules. They enable users to create a social network that positively impacts the global climate by offsetting Toucan carbon credit. Moreover, Regenerative Lens adds a raffle follow and collect modules, which gamify the protocol by giving participants random rewards.

How it's Made

The carbon offset follow and collect modules are extending fee modules. Profile creators can specify a certain percentage of the fee going to Toucan carbon credit by swapping the fee on SushiSwap. Then the carbon credit will be retired through ToucanCarbonOffsets contract. The raffle follow and collect modules extend fee modules powered by Chainlink VRF. Profile creators can specify a certain percentage of the fee going to the raffle pool. After a certain number of new followers/collectors, it will conduct a raffle by generating a random number through VRF to pick a winner for the raffle pool.

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