Realize It is a mobile-first application that allows changemakers to organize Transformations in any community to improve its state and create community heroes. We’ve created an optimistic review system to incentivize good coordination and elevate the kindest and best people.
Prize Pool
Realize It is a mobile-first application that allows changemakers to organize activities in any community to improve its state and create community heroes.
Activity participants are rewarded for their contributions in multiple ways to make the experience as fun and engaging as possible. All activity data is combined to create an Impact Statement for each activity, which third-party sponsors can use to support further Activities.
We've created a review system to incentivize good coordination between hosts and participants. Our review system, which leverages proof of Personhood to improve its function, combined with our activity creation and measurement model, creates an Optimistic activity funding model, significantly reducing friction for hosts and participants alike.
Realize It aims for a smooth UX that allows anyone of any age and skill level to use the app. We use Alchemy's Account kit to allow for simple account creation. In a real-world setting, we aim to attract sponsors to pay for the dApps gas via the Gas Station feature.
Our solution is deployed on Celo (not wholly, as we lacked the Alchemy and Worldcoin solutions here) and Base. We aim to launch on all OP Chains with real-world regional adoption.
We leverage geo-tagged hypercars to create an artifact for each activity. Each participant attests (through EAS) some impact data (such as a written description of their contribution and the time between their check-in and check-out to the Hypercert of the specific activity they participate in. The host is the person who initiates the creation of the Hypercert (by creating an Activity) and completes the final Attestation to the Hypercert at the end of the activity with a picture showcasing the end state and a description of the activity.
One of the critical elements of Realize It is that it creates an entirely permissionless (almost market-driven) process for starting local activities by using Proof of Personhood through World ID. By verifying each user's unique identity, we can provide them with near-full access to the platform. Hosts can organize an activity that earns points and can allocate rewards from the moment they join, while contributors are paid out right at the end of their activity participation - because of the review system we created using EAS.
After each activity, a contributor reviews a Host, who later reviews each contribution. As such, we have created a peer-to-peer reputation-based system that allows for permissionless contributions.
In the future, we could limit access or increase rewards for individuals with higher average scores.