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Raiseblock is a pooling solution for public goods running on both Optimism Kovan and Polygon Mumbai testnets


Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Winner of


🔟 IPFS/Filecoin — Top 10

Project Description

This project combines Metamask wallet, IPFS, Optimism Kovan testnet, Polygon Mumbai, native ETH token on Optimism network, native MATIC token on Polygon Mumbai network and solidity smart contracts to crowdfund or pool and then donate to various proposals or projects in different public good categories. The categories of public goods include Open-Source Software (OSS) projects, Education, Environment, Combat Carbon, Community Fund and others. This solution is focused on public good and social impact with the use of wallet and native tokens for payment.

How it's Made

This project uses Metamask wallet to connect to the Optimism Kovan and Polygon Mumbai testnets. The frontend was built using VueJS. The smart contract was built using solidity on remix and deployed to both L2 networks mentioned earlier. IPFS was used to generate a CID or hash of uploaded image in the submitted electronic proposal for funding. Donations are also collected on the site as well as various functionalities.

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