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An on-chain solution to tracking and optimizing radiation exposure for patients and employees across multiple facilities using NFTs.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

☢ Alert: Approaching Radiation Dose Limits! ☢

We're building a cutting-edge solution to the escalating problem of cross-facility radiation dose accumulation. The radiology industry lacks a method to track radiation dose to a patient or employee that occurs at outside facilities. The industry relies on private companies to track radiation dose for individual facilities but the data is compartmentalized and there is no universal implementation of dose tracking for individuals.

Currently, private companies oversee radiation dose tracking for individual facilities, resulting in compartmentalized data storage and the absence of a globally adopted dose tracking standard.

Our Solution- register each hospital as an administrator, enabling the automatic minting of patients and tabulation of their cumulative radiation doses. This integration with hospital record systems leverages standardized communication protocols like HL7, streamlined by a web app that vigilantly monitors events associated with inductee patients.

A Non-Fungible Token (NFT) will serve as a representation of each patient, with their radiation dose history appended into the mapped values of the smart contract. This not only renders a permanent, universally accessible record but also assists in making informed decisions based on extensive data.

For each patient, a distinct, trackable, and anonymous identifier is created, accessible by the hospitals via an open source smart contract. Compliance with complex regulations is simplified, catalyzing further adoption of our system. The cost of adding dose details to a patient’s NFT can also be settled in ApeCoin for added flexibility.

Website Features:

API End Points:

OpenSea Integration:

How it's Made

Our tech stack consists of Next.js for both the front-end and back-end, along with a solidity smart contract deployed on the Goerli Ethereum testnet. We’ve integrated a test version of ApeCoin into the contract to facilitate payments. The codebase is entirely custom-built, utilizing a fresh next-app with tailwind CSS for styling. The project is hosted on Vercel.

Our team — NuclearGeek (Shawn Pickett), a radiation safety expert turned full-stack dev, orchestrated the back-end development and established a solid foundation for the front-end. MzLady, a skilled front-end dev who’s adept at back-end operations, oversaw the UI/UX optimization.

While our web app offers an effective interface to interact with the smart contract, a full-blown hospital implementation would encompass locally integrating it into the hospital’s EMR system. This enables automatic entries into the smart contract, which our team can customize for each client upon receiving administrative authorization.

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