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Quizer is a platform that empowers users to effortlessly create quizzes for the farcaster ecosystem and engage their audience. With a seamless interface and robust encryption technology, Quizer ensures privacy and security while delivering interactive quiz experiences.


Created At


Winner of

XMTP - Open Frames Bounty

Prize Pool

Project Description

User-Friendly Quiz Creation:
    Users effortlessly input quiz questions via our intuitive frontend interface.
    Questions are collected, structured, and stored, simplifying the process and ensuring a seamless user experience.

Robust Encryption:
    Quizer prioritizes user data security by encrypting quiz content using industry-standard symmetric-key encryption (AES).
    Leveraging reliable encryption libraries like crypto-js ensures robust protection against unauthorized access.

IPFS Integration:
    Encrypted quiz content finds a safe home on IPFS, obtaining a unique hash for seamless retrieval.
    Pinata facilitates seamless interaction with the decentralized IPFS network, ensuring data availability and integrity.

Secure Storage and Retrieval:
    Encrypted data is securely stored on IPFS, guaranteeing data integrity and accessibility.
    While our API route integration is a work in progress, the mechanism ensures seamless data retrieval for authorized users.

Contract Integration and Reward System:
    Quizer's smart contract registers quiz information, ensuring transparency and traceability.
    Users have the potential to earn rewards by excelling in quizzes, incentivizing participation and engagement.

Dynamic Presentation:
    With decrypted content, quizzes are dynamically presented by casting the link with the quiz contract identifier as a search parameter.
    Users enjoy a seamless quiz-taking experience, fostering engagement and interaction while maintaining data security.

How it's Made

Quizer was generated from scaffold-eth 2 at the hackathon kickoff.

Frontend Interface: Built using Nextjs for its flexibility and component-based architecture. Leveraged Frog framework for enabling building frames with jsx UI components and Button for user interactions. Integrated Pinata for seamless upload and retrieval of encrypted quiz content.

User Authentication: Implemented basic authentication and user management using privy to ensure users are authorized to create a quiz and the but apps account is used to interact with contract for now.

Encryption: Employed ethereum-cryptography library for robust symmetric-key encryption using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

Backend and Smart Contract: Backend powered by Node, hono & frog framework for API routing. Implemented Smart Contract using Solidity on the Ethereum blockchain for quiz management and reward distribution. Utilized OpenZeppelin for ERC20 token standard implementation and contract ownership.

Integration with Partner Technologies: Integrated Pinata for seamless interaction with the decentralized IPFS network, facilitating secure storage and retrieval of encrypted quiz content. Integrated privy to provide user authentication, interactions and onboarding, Integrated open frame standard extending the original Frames specification to support a broader range of applications and protocols.

Hacky Innovations: Implemented a unique mechanism to dynamically present quizzes based on the user's chosen difficulty level, enhancing user engagement and personalization.

Currently, the app uses a burner account for contract interactions but this should ideally be facilitated with privys' embedded accounts.

Utilized a pre-pinned quiz for demonstration purposes.

Deployment: Deployed frontend to Vercel and contracts to baseSepolia, ensuring high availability and scalability of the application.

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