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quadratic voting solution using rollups , and have interoperability , facilitated by hyperlane and connext , we plan to create wallet less wallet to make it easy for new users to easily vote for any quadratic voting


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

my project is quadratic voting platform and voting service , we know different ways of taking the inputs from users such as google forms , etc ... quadratic voting is a good way to provide truly decentralised voting results , as of now we do not have any platform that facilitate a personal quadratic voting system . our projects aims at achieving that , any person can just craete a new campaign and share the link among the participants and organise this quadratic voting event

How it's Made

we have used smart contracts to manage all the events and the voting processes , we were planning to implement intmax non custodial wallet but i was unable to do so . we have multiple apis which can be used by developers to directly integrate the voting system into their dapps. frontend of the application contains two parts , one is the documentation of how to use the smart contract and integrate into your project, second is the sample applications when can be used to create voting event and share among the users

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