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Improve your fitness goals while also exposing yourself to immense monetary gain.


Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Winner of

SKALE Network - Best Use of Zero Gas Fees 2nd place

Circle - Build with Circle's Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol

Flow - Best Sports App on Flow

Project Description

In PumpRoyale users across the globe can stake any amount of USDC across recurring global competitions. At random times during the competition a user is prompted to record themselves completing a basic fitness activity within 10 minutes of being prompted. Those who successfully completed the physical activity within the time frame will have their stake returned while those that fail will lose their stake which will form a losers pool. Upon the completion of every game, there will be a random select few of people that completed the fitness activity and will be awarded a distribution of the losers pool. Not only is the physical challenge relatively simple, but as the user base increases, the potential reward becomes exponentially larger.

How it's Made

This project uses smart contracts to hold the stake from the users entering the competition, as well as refunding, and distributing the money from the loser pool amongst some randomly selected winners that completed their physical exercise. We built our frontend in React.js and our backend in Node.js. The reason why deploying this as a web3 application is advantageous is because these type of incentives fitness apps have been built on web2, however with payment processors like Stripe taking a 2.5% fee and receiving so many refund requests, Stripe actually blocked the company. With web3 we can avoid this problem since everything is handled on chain.

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