Introducing Pumpbet: an AI-powered challenge platform inspired by Charles Bronson's routine!
Introduction: Hey! We're excited to introduce a workout challenge inspired by Charles Bronson's legendary fitness routine, powered by blockchain technology. Our goal is to promote healthy life style, healthy food, and self-awareness.
The Problem: Staying motivated to work out consistently is tough, and people often quit before seeing results.
The Solution: The platform where users are challenged by AI. AI is ruthless and won't accept excuses. So there is no option to cheat.
What We’ve Built So Far: We developed a working prototype that enables users to submit a video proof that they completed the challenge. Afterwards, our community member will be voting for the users to choose the winner of the round. In the future we plan to completely enable AI agents to run the platform.
Key Benefits:
Conclusion: Pumpbet has the potential to be a game-changer in the fitness industry by combining proven workout methods with AI & cutting-edge web3 tech stack. As builders, our team is seeking the opportunity to further develop this concept at your hackathon, turning it into a fully functional product that can inspire and motivate people on their fitness journeys.
Partners. MACI: AMORE:
Technologies Used: