Puma: Ethereum Wallet, Unlock Protocol and Web3.storage preview for iOS demo
Prize Pool
Prize Pool
The app is native for iOS written in Swift.
Keys and a few things are hardcoded for the hackathon but will be fully functional for public release.
The demo is on Rinkeby testnet.
Parts of implementation:
Detect if page is locked (done)
Load an Ethereum address that holds balance and keys (done)
Let user connect / disconnect multiple addresses, give them name, store data securely (v1)
Let user create new address (done) and transfer / load funds to it (v2)
For an address, add ability to check balance (done) and load related NFTs (v1)
Check if user has a valid Key for the lock (done)
Let user purchase a key, (if non is available) from the lock (done)
Let user renew and expired lock (v1)
Possibly check if any keys are available for sale on third party markets (v3)
Supply a key to the lock, so that user can access the content (v1)