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Puma iOS: Eth & Unlock & preview

Puma: Ethereum Wallet, Unlock Protocol and preview for iOS demo

Puma iOS: Eth & Unlock & preview

Created At

HackFS 2021

Winner of

Protocol Labs Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Unlock Protocol Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

  1. Eth Wallet: we added a sample wallet via private key.
  2. Unlock protocol:
    1. We detect if there's a lock on the page, ex.
    2. In Settings you can see what account will look as lock owner and as lock users will see.
    3. If there's no key for the current page lock, you can buy the key.
  3. you can add your API key in settings and we're working on way for you to archive the page you want.

How it's Made

The app is native for iOS written in Swift.

Keys and a few things are hardcoded for the hackathon but will be fully functional for public release.

The demo is on Rinkeby testnet.

Parts of implementation:

  1. Detect if page is locked (done)

  2. Load an Ethereum address that holds balance and keys (done)

    1. Let user connect / disconnect multiple addresses, give them name, store data securely (v1)

    2. Let user create new address (done) and transfer / load funds to it (v2)

    3. For an address, add ability to check balance (done) and load related NFTs (v1)

  3. Check if user has a valid Key for the lock (done)

  4. Let user purchase a key, (if non is available) from the lock (done)

    1. Let user renew and expired lock (v1)

    2. Possibly check if any keys are available for sale on third party markets (v3)

  5. Supply a key to the lock, so that user can access the content (v1)

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