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Cross-chain chat based payments for your freelance projects.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Imagine this: You're in India, excited to attend a hot Ethereum event. But here's the catch - you need 0.005 ETH to RSVP. Unfortunately, you don't have any ETH on hand, and your other crypto holdings are in a different chain.

The traditional solution? Headaches. You'd have to navigate confusing exchanges, wait for tokens to be released, and potentially lose money due to errors and fees. Frustrating, right?

ProWork enters the scene, offering a solution: chat-based cross-chain payments with guaranteed delivery. No more exchange hopping, no more waiting, and no more lost money.


How it's Made

Building a platform like this with its chat-based payment system and cross-chain capabilities, wasn't without its challenges. Here are some of the key hurdles we faced and how we overcame them:

  1. Integrating into Messaging: Integrating seamlessly with existing messaging platforms was important for user adoption. We chose XMTP, as our foundation. XMTP had native support for custom content types, which were essential for displaying payment information within chats. We implemented custom extensions, enabling a smooth and intuitive payment experience directly within the chat interface.

  2. Facilitating Cross-Chain Transfers: Enabling secure and efficient cross-chain transfers was another major challenge. We opted for Zetachain, inter-blockchain communication protocol. This allowed us to connect different blockchain networks and facilitate seamless token swaps without relying on external exchanges. This guaranteed delivery, eliminated gas fees, and provided users with a frictionless payment experience.

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