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Prove is an AVS based ZK proving marketplace for power users.


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Project Description

Prove. is an AVS based ZK proving market built for users who wants to run any zk based computation. They simply create a task with the required input data and other time / budget requirements. The task is then matched with a prover who obtains a proof the given input and submits to the AVS network. The validators then validate the proof and in case the prover is found malicious, he is slashed.

How it's Made

The AVS stack is built on the top of Othentic Lab's JS/TS engine. The user can specify the budget and required generation time for the proof generation, and he is matched with a prover by the task performer (from the AVS stack). There is also a escrow smart contract that handles the fees settlement after the task is completed and validated. A small percentage of the fees is sent to the validators and a chunk goes to the prover.

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