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Proof Pals

Proof Pals brings in real life connections onchain. It increase credibility of humans and creates a rich social graph of connections that can be leveraged for other protocols.

Proof Pals

Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Base - Based and Consumed - Best Consumer App UX

Worldcoin - Best Use of World ID 2nd Prize

Project Description

Proof Pal uses NFC chips in bracelet to generate attestations of in real life connections by bringing them onchain to the Base network.

Each connection is a transaction that goes onchain, including the information both wallets and time. It also generates an attestation when a human proves it's humanity with Worldcoin by getting the world ID.

There is a web app to see each user social graph in a "Graph of nodes" display, where the users can explore the connections of their connections by going from node to node in a super fun and interactive UI, providing a unique user experience.

Each connection represents 2 nodes and their strength. For example, if one of the nodes has a World ID, the connection is stronger and give more credibility points. If both nodes have World ID, the connections is even stronger, If both users follow on socials, the connections is more strong, and so on.

The app let's users:

  • See their connections IRL and the connections of the connections, following a node graph standard where user can explore the social graph jumping from node to node.
  • Search an ENS and check how many connections you are away from him in the shortest journey.
  • Gamefi your graph by letting connections of certain grade DM you by a native message system.
  • Define the depth of the social graph you want to show on the screen.
  • Create attestations for IRL connections via NFC chips.
  • Create Proof of Humanity attestations via World ID.
  • Creates a rich social graph of humans.

How it's Made

Worldcoin: We use the World ID verification system to create an attestation of a human being verified and also to empower our rich social graph of connections by increasing the strength of the connections between nodes based on their humanity (verified with World ID).

We also use world ID and human verification to avoid sybil farming from our custom onchain actions that users select. (tipping for example)

Base: Base is the network for consumer apps so makes sense to create our attestations of connections on it. We deployed a Smart Contract on Base that generates an attestation each time two individuals connect in real life. It also generates traceability between them and checks their humanity. It also sends a custom onchain action that the user who connects selects (send an NFT, token, etc).

We also use the Base Paymaster to avoid ruining the experience for users by avoiding fees for them.

Dynamics: We use Dynamics for letting users connect to our website and create an account, letting non web3 natives make use of our app. We also injected the Base Paymaster with Dyb=namics to provide a gasless and smooth experience for all the users.

ENS: We integrate ENS domains to identify each individual and make the social graph easier to read, understand and track. ENS not only enrich our web app with name but also it gives a custom image (if set) to all our nodes.

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