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DAO/Company tooling for fairer distribution of token rewards


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


🏛 Superfluid — Best DAO Hack

Project Description

We want to fix the problem of: *Too many farmers setting up bot social media accounts to farm airdrops *Farm and dump behaviour amongst community members once airdrop received Solution: We want to create a monitoring tool for organisations to track followers of their twitter handle and ensure that rewards are fairly distributed to these followers. The smart contract will terminate rewards to wallets that have prematurely unfollowed the organisation's twitter handle.

How it's Made

Superfluid Constant Flow Agreements to stream airdrop tokens real-time UMA oracles to get the rest of the community to verify that followers are real accounts Chainlink VRF to randomise the time of check Chainlink Keepers to (1) check if followers are still following, (2) end streams when full quantum of token is streamed Chainlink API to get followers that have un-followed the account

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