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Project PlaceHolder

PlaceHolder is an on demand NFT based advertising platform for product / website owners via streamable cash flows.

Project PlaceHolder

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Advertisers have to spend enormous amounts of money for very little advertising space.

Provides flexibility for advertisers to start and stop advertisement campaigns better suited for their budget and timing Improves capital efficiency as it allows granular control over the time and money spent.

Directly incentivising users for interacting with AdsDrip NFTs.

Adding additional revenue streams for project / website owners with a flexible mechanism.


How it's Made

I was trying to use Waku for interaction between the Advertisers and the users. This is to push the advertisements into a content topic and then retrieve it on the advertisement side. However running the waku node and interacting with Waku SDK seem to be time consuming.

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