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Profile AI

Profile AI enables users build their digital identity creating NFT profile pictures with help of Artificial Intelligence

Profile AI

Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Winner of

📥 Midpoint — 🥇 Best Use of a Midpoint GET Request

🤝 ENS — Integration Bounty

✨ Push Protocol — Runner Up

Project Description

“Profile AI” is an AI profile picture creator that helps people to frictionless obtain a unique and personalized NFT.

Our system is simple and powerful:

  1. First, users connect their wallets to access our Dapp.
  2. Once connected, they can choose two ways of creating a self-describing prompt: open text or Profile AI prompt optimization engine. With open text, they can just get creative as they wish, following our recommendations for better results. And if they decide to use our engine, we allow them to fill in some inputs to create an awesome profile picture.
  3. With the prompt, we use a midpoint smart contract to access OpenAI API and retrieve three different profile pictures results. And thats magic,
  4. Users can choose the result they like most and proceed to store the image in IPFS and mint it as an NFT in Optimism with only one click.
  5. And UALA! They have an AI-personalized and unique NFT.
  6. What would you like to do with something you are proud of? Share it for sure! So we give you an easy way to configure this NFT as your profile picture in ENS, associated with your LENS handle, or shill about it on Twitter or Instagram.

How it's Made

A React front end that requests a payload through OpenAI using Midpoint Labs as a third party a hybrid backend. Midpoint labs provides the framework for smart contract that houses the DaLLE 2 program. This serves as end point to access the AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language. Images are minted using the ERC 270 Token contract through Goerli Optimism. These NFTS are stored via NFT.Storage. A service that leverages the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) as a key part of its storage and retrieval infrastructure. Users are seemlessly connected to the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) over the Ethereum mainnet to retrieve their wallet address and link their newly minted NFT as their digital avatar.

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