Our platform facilitates trading between tokenized assets using interoperable private chains with a ZK bridge, paving the way for a new era of secure and efficient financial transactions.
The technical architecture of our project is designed to facilitate secure and efficient trading between institutions like JP Morgan Chase (JPMC) and Goldman Sachs. Each of these entities operates its own private blockchain. Within these private chains, we have integrated Avail for the data availability layer. These private chains are tailored to specific applications and are constructed using Stackr, which also utilizes Avail for data availability.
A central authority is responsible for overseeing and validating the trading process. For example, if JPMC wishes to purchase Apple stocks and Goldman Sachs intends to sell them, both parties generate zero-knowledge proofs (ZK proofs) to authenticate the transaction. These proofs are then submitted to the central authority, whose verifier contract is deployed on Scroll. Utilizing the Sindri API, we provide real-time confirmation in the browser that the transaction has been successfully verified using ZK proofs.
In this project, Avail was leveraged to ensure robust data authentication within the system. Private chains were meticulously established through the utilization of Stacker, a framework tailored for this purpose. Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZK proofs) were efficiently generated using Sindri, enabling secure and confidential transactions. Additionally, to enhance accountability, verifiable contracts were deployed on the Scroll platform.