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ZK dapp for managing and sharing health records securely using Mina and Protokit. This application ensures that health records are accessed and shared only with authorized parties, leveraging zero-knowledge proofs for privacy.


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

Private Health Records Management is an application designed to securely manage and share health records using the Mina Protocol and Protokit framework. This project leverages these technologies to ensure that sensitive health data is stored, accessed, and shared privately, with only authorized individuals or institutions having access. By utilizing zero-knowledge proofs (zkSNARKs), the platform guarantees privacy without compromising security or usability.

Key Features:

  1. Encrypted Storage: All health records are securely encrypted and can only be accessed through zkSNARK-protected verification, ensuring unauthorized parties cannot view or alter sensitive information.
  2. Secure Sharing: Patients can share their health records with doctors or healthcare institutions securely, without exposing unnecessary data. The records are shared using zkSNARKs, allowing verifiable access without revealing the contents.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive and accessible interface allows patients to manage and control their health information, empowering them to share records as needed while maintaining privacy.

Use Case: Patients can securely manage and store their health information, maintaining full control over who can access it. Doctors and healthcare providers can request access to specific records, which patients can approve or deny, ensuring that sensitive data is only shared when necessary.

Implementation Plan:

  1. Understanding Protokit and zkApps: Integrate Protokit’s modules and Mina’s zkApps to handle privacy-preserving operations. Using the Protokit starter kit to kickstart development.
  2. On-Chain Execution: Implementing the correct on-chain execution model using Protokit’s runtime modules, ensuring privacy is maintained for all interactions, with possible use of hybrid models for off-chain/on-chain data handling.
  3. User Interface Development: Build a user-friendly interface that showcases the app's functionality, focusing on an intuitive experience for patients managing their health records.
  4. Testing and Provable Code: Performing comprehensive testing and using zkSNARK-based frameworks to validate the privacy claims.

How it's Made

  1. Protokit Framework: The project is built on top of the Protokit framework, which is designed for developing application chains on the Mina blockchain. Protokit provides a set of tools and abstractions that simplify the process of building complex blockchain applications.

  2. Mina Blockchain: The underlying blockchain technology used is Mina blockchain.

  3. Runtime Modules: The core logic of the application is implemented using runtime modules. For example, the HealthRecords module handles the storage and retrieval of encrypted health records and AccessControl module handles these records.

  4. Testing: Jest is used for testing, as seen in the test files.

  5. Encryption: The project implements custom encryption and decryption functions (off-chain) for securing health records.

Notable implementations:

  1. Zero-Knowledge Proofs: The project leverages Mina's zero-knowledge proof capabilities, allowing for privacy-preserving operations on health records.

  2. Custom Runtime Modules: The project implements custom runtime modules like HealthRecords, AccessControl, and SharingPermissions to handle the specific requirements of a private health record system on the blockchain.

  3. Encrypted Health Records: The project uses a custom encryption scheme to store health records on-chain while maintaining privacy. The records are encrypted before being stored and decrypted when retrieved by authorized parties.

  4. Integration of Blockchain with Web UI: The project seamlessly integrates blockchain functionality with a user-friendly web interface, allowing users to interact with the health record system easily.

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