A fully private predication market for verified human, built with Oasis Sapphire and Worldcoin.
This is a prediction market where user can place bets on topics and different choices. The user must be verified as human with zk proof using WorldID in order to place a bet. After the oracle reveals its result, a user can claim the funds on his bets onchain. The contract is deployed e2e on Oasis Sapphire testnet and the worldcoin contract is available on Ethereum sepolia testnet.
This project leveraged Sapphire Oasis for a fully private onchain state, for the choice and amount of all bets. The frontend is built with Vue and smart contract deployed with oasis CLI on Sapphire testnet.
As a workaround to Worldcoin not being available on Sapphire, I deployed the same contract on Eth sepolia for completeness.