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Decentralized private social network - create communities, content, all private and resistant to censorship.


Created At

ETHGlobal Bangkok

Project Description

Its a decentralized private version of Reddit where one can create communities, post and upvote. Its using programmable encryption by Lit to tokengate the experience - based on users karma ERC20 tokens they can see community contents or not. The idea is that not Farcaster or Lens are private, but we need something that is. Hopefully I can make it more extensible so its possible to plug either one into the system to gain private communities.

How it's Made

Lit protocol for encryption and decryption, Web3Auth for AA and authentication, Akave for storage and Scroll for deploying the smart contracts. The front end is built with .net Blazor PWA-capable framework and deployed using .net Aspire. I guess it would also benefit from some kind of notification system like Push in the future.

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