PrismX is a gamified prediction marketplace app built on top of Arbitrum and Avail as an L3 chain. Easy UX, you swipe right/left to bet on markets.
A seamless, Tinder-like prediction marketplace built as an L3 chain on top of Arbitrum and Avail DA. PrismX enables a clean tinder-like swipe experience to remove the web3 friction whatsover and make it more gaamified for a social betting marketplace.
Autonomous Market Generation: AI agents will automatically create prediction markets based on:
Twitter trending topics
Google trending searches
Viral news stories
Emerging social media conversations
Dynamic Market Parameters
AI-adjusted betting periods based on trend lifecycle
Smart liquidity pool management
Automated stake size recommendations
Risk assessment for different market types
We launched an Arbitrum Orbit Rollup powered by Avail DA and the result was amazing, fast confirmations. The UI UX is matched to feel like its Tinder but for making/losing money.
The cool part is the AI agents working together to search web independently and coming to a consensus to settle a market instead os relying on oracles whose economic security can be a problem sometimes.