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A composable chat app at built on top of Lens and XMTP that democratizes and monetize your attention!


Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Winner of


🤝 Lens Protocol — Integration


🏃‍♀️ XMTP — Runner Up


✨ Push Protocol — Runner Up

Project Description

Modern day social media is plagued with ads and people sending unsolicited messages to strangers due to the ease of doing so via bots and automation. We feel that it is unfair that you have to waste your precious attention on spam and unwanted messages.

Ad services such as Google Ad sense helps you to monetize your attention to a certain degree, but what if we could democratize this whole process?

There are existing solutions out there to do exactly this, such as the Brave browser, but there has not been one in the area of text messaging.

How it's Made

We built a web app that utilizes XMTP as the messaging layer and Lens Protocol as a 1 click social login.

We deployed our smart contracts on Polygon and Optimism testnet to create message requests that are bundled with Impression ($IMP) Tokens. A utility token that rewards users for their attention spent on reading messages that they would otherwise not spend on.

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