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Bridge aggregator to allow for automated multitoken and multichain transactions


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Project Description

Pregel Bridge lets users bridge multiple tokens at once from multiple chains, aggregating them into a single destination chain without having to verify compatibility between chains in a per token basis and find a bridge for that specific transaction.

Our objective is making the movement of tokens between chains as easier and safer as possible, enabling for a better wallet management for everyone, no matter their skill level with blockchain.

How it's Made

Using Wagmi we obtain all necessary data regarding the tokens owned by the user, and using their target chain we present the user with a selection of all the tokens he owns in the chains we decided to support by now, allowing him to select tokens, the amount to be transferred for each one of them and sign the proper transactions. To be able to make this working within the scope of a hackaton we decided to implement a third-party bridge aggregator, Celer, handling under the hood the magic that enables for such an easier and simple experience.

We used Next 13 for the website, handling everything on client-side.

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