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A compliant ZK AMM that allows for shielded withdrawals, deposits, transfers, and swaps


Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Winner of


🎨 Quantstamp — Most Creative Solution


🏆 Worldcoin — Honorable Mentions


🏊‍♂️ Polygon — Pool Prize

Project Description

PP Swap (Privacy Preserving Swap) is a ZK AMM that extends upon the Tornado Nova contracts allowing users to swap between two tokens anonymously. Each pools offers the option of including reputation and identity mechanisms like Lens and WorldCoin to perform reputation gating to provide more accountability.

How it's Made

The contract uses circom, solidity, react, sweat, tears, miladies, brain damage.

The main challenge an innovation is introducing more stateful elements to the circom circuit to enable AMM functionalities.

WorldCoin is still largely developmental, but the team has been really helpful, without them the reputational elements of the project wouldn't have been possible.

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