A SocialFi project to empower, support, and reward individuals and groups to unleash their full potential with trusted communities, friendly competition, and social support!
Prize Pool
Category: Social and Pledge Challenges
Problem: Starting self-improvement projects is easy, but maintaining them is hard due to a lack of incentives and social support. Examples include reducing social media consumption, switching jobs, run a marathon, read more books, going on a date, etc.
Solution: PowerϟWagers is a betting dApp for close trust communities, combining competition with financial incentives. Members create bets on who will reach their goal first, with stakes pooled and paid to the winner, providing motivation and financial incentives to persist.
Unique Features: Non-participants in the bet but part of the trust community can stake Wager Tokens on who they think will win, adding an extra layer of social support and engagement. Additionally, companies, public institutes such as NGOs or national health insurance funds or other entities interested in positive collective behavior can provide rewards to the group or individual who reach their goals.
Workflow and used technologies