A Telegram app that automatically managing and rebalancing your Euler vault positions.
This project combines existing web2 and web3 technologies to help vault users manage and rebalance their positions to get the best APYs as possible.
A program will analyze your position and depending on your assets, will look for other opportunities which might give you better rewards.
It can be used as both a very simple monitoring and alerting tool, as well as an auto re-balancer.
This projects is a combination of three different services.
The first one is a Telegram MiniApp, which is embedded inside of the Telegram application. This service is the one that the user interacts with. It provides a very simple to use interface to access a wallet, managed by Web3Auth, which provides a connection to the Euler protocol. The user can use the application to view its USDC holdings and inspect the available Euler vaults supporting USDC as the collateral asset. The vaults each have different APYs, so the user can view which one is more profitable.
The second service is a backend that periodically fetches the APYs for the Euler vaults with USDC as the collateral asset and supports rebalancing of the user positions.
The third service is a smart contract, called the Operator, which is able to complete the rebalancing operations described previously on the user's behalf on the Euler vaults.
We used Web3Auth to manage the users wallets inside the Telegram application, which interacts with the Euler V2 vaults to perform the auto-rebalancing operations.
We created our own custom operator which - one authorized by the user - can perform two operations atomically: withdrawing from a vault A and deposit to another more profitable vault B.