post2help is a marketing coordination mechanism for non-profits. Our post2help primitive allows posters to donate/get paid for their social media content contribution. Spreading the word about important causes brings in awareness and change.
post2help is the new way to for non-profit organizations to go viral and get funded.
Users login with MetaMask using Web3Auth and can then further link their account to their Twitter and Lens Protocol user IDs. Once authenticated, users can join a charity campaign as a donor or poster. Posters are rewarded for actively posting about the cause or supporting the campaign's social media account. This is tracked using a mapping of the user's different social media IDs and the campaign creator's IDs. We use an aggregated scoring model that includes the likes, mentions, retweets/mirrors for each activity that the user has done that can be linked to the campaign's account on each of the social media platforms. For this, we separately query both the Twitter API and the Lens Protocol GraphQL endpoints to fetch the relevant data. Each campaign has its own smart contract that manages its own funds. These contracts can be initially topped up by the campaign creator to provide initial funds. Users, however, who view the campaign can also support the cause by donating to the campaign, allowing it to be effectively crowdfunded. Similarly, users also act as a way of crowdsourcing the campaign advertising through their posts. The campaign creator can then upload a proof containing the allocated rewards for the different participant's activity, and at this point, each participant can go and claim their appropriate rewards for the philanthropic work they have done! post2help's scoring algorithm calculates the value of a given post on Lenster. At the end of the campaign, posters can choose to claim their rewards or donate it back to the charity, so even more content can be financed.
post2help is running on a React.JS Frontend and Node.JS Backend stack. It uses @Web3Auth to manage user authentication using the MetamaskAdapter to connect to a user wallet on the @Polygon Mumbai network.
Once the user has authenticated, we use the smart contract address that is keyed into the JWT token to then confirm the identity of the user with our own backend and link it to our user ID.
We then allow users to connect their Twitter and @LensProtocol accounts through the UI, to get their social media credentials. These are then linked to the same user ID.
After this, users are asked to join various different campaigns on the site. When they join a campaign, the user ID is also linked to the campaign, which holds the social media linking information for the campaign creator.
At this point, when users do various activities to promote the campaign creator's account on these social media sites, these metrics are recorded on the respective APIs. We then query the Twitter and @LensProtocol APIs to get the information on posts that the user has at-mentioned the campaign creator, as well as the amount of support they've given to the campaign creator's own posts. By doing this activity, they start earning rewards.
Each of these campaigns is linked to Campaign Smart Contracts that have been deployed using postmint on @Polygon Mumbai, which allow users to add funds to the campaign through donations and claim rewards. The user can only claim the reward once the campaign creator has uploaded a Merkle Proof of the reward allocations. Once this is done, the rewards are available for users to claim.