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A platform to claim, drop and interact with EIP4973 compatible soulbound tokens.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

A decentralised hyperstructure of contracts to issue and mint soulbound tokens of different features. The project uses a factory contract to create soulbound token drops. The soulbound tokens are EIP 4973 compatible with additional feature. There are three different types of soulbound token which can be issued by the hyperstructure.

A Reputation Soulbound token is a soulbound with reputation in-built. Authorised addresses by the Issuer can increase or decrease the reputation of an individual token, by a pre-defined amount.

An Attestation Soulbound token is a soulbound which can request and accept attestation from 3rd parties authorised by the owner of the token.

How it's Made

The project uses a factory contract to create soulbound token drops. The soulbound tokens are EIP 4973 compatible with additional feature. The contracts were built using Hardhat.

The DApp was built using nextjs. The graph is used to index and quary the information from the contract. The metadat of the soulbound token is stored on IPFS using

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