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Rebalancing portfolios using real-time data to leave the market decisions rely on algorithms based on Data


Created At

Superhack 2024

Project Description

This project aims to allow American people to invest their money wisely and avoid misunderstandings or fears about doing this using our portfolio management. We'll read information from Pyth to get the most recent data and based on an algorithm, we'll decide how to divide the client's money safely

How it's Made

We'll use Pyth Network to read information from markets: Forex, Commodities, Stocks, and Crypto. Then, we'll use our database, which has historical information from multiple sources (such as a trading view or other brokers), to identify trends or how It reacts after some movements are made. We'll use this past information to ensure we are not doing wrong calculations, and real-time data will be our basis to create and decide in real-time how we should balance and avoid possible losses

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