Portal is Web3's answer to WeChat. A single source for all web3 services. ````Built for everyone`!
The Web3 space suffers from significant fragmentation due to such a wide array of applications, poor distribution, and lacklustre interfaces. ```The average user lacks access to the most innovative products and services in Web3. Portal aims to change that by creating the Web3 `super app`! `Portal integrates with 6 services touching on easy to use self-sovereign identity,
defi, and web3 based messaging.
Portal is built on Web3``Auth, World
Coin, Polygon, CowSwap, Push Network. `It's focused on mobile and layer 2 to help increase the adoption of the Ethereum network and highlight its ecosystem.
However, some of the technologies we planned to use didn't have available the SDKs required to integrate them such as Polygon ID or Push chat.