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Porta is a platform bridges bot and user wallet. It allows bot notifying users via telegram message when certain event is triggered and send tx_request to user wallet dirrectly.


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ Arbitrum — Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Users are not always online but opportunity or emergency needs to be reacted ASAP. Porta is a new way users interacting with BOTs. By binding with telegram chat ID, BOTs can send notification message or even tx proposal via telegram message. By accepting a proposal, the bots is able to provide complete transaction for user to sign. It's non-custodial and no need to interact with other dapp UI, just click a button in message and sign tx in the wallet.

How it's Made

Porta is build on wallet connect and telegram API. Will integrate other message platform like discord, twitter, whatsapp as well. The wallet connect provide a great way interacting with different wallets in a non-custodial way. Also the telegram API has rich message format that enable BOTs to get query response from users.

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