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Polyverse empowers users with NFTs that are interoperable to various metaverse and web3 games.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

We have an UI where users can submit their NFTs (3d model) and our API ingests that data to Decentraland and Roblox, as well as minting/writing the information to Polygon Block-chain. This will unlock the potential for users to truly own digital assets (NFTs) by taking them across platforms and also enjoying utility for their NFTs.

How it's Made

Optimizing the 3d models isn't really one API/SDK or a function call, it changes with every file format and other aforementioned variables making it exponentially challenging. For example: Optimizing a high-resolution 3d model too much like a game 3d model will make it look totally different which may defeat the purpose in the first place. We addressed all that in this proto-type and intent to scale this subsequently.

We have leveraged Decentraland SDK and wrote additional software to make the data ingestion work For example: Optimizing the 3d model's vertices & poly count to make it compatible with Decentraland.

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