
Rent your bike through a seamless decentralized process with no upfront cost and 100% trustless and secure protocol.


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Project Description

There is a huge gap between the WEB2 users when it comes to renting a bike online or offline. With so many places for human error and mistakes. I have built a dapp to streamline the process of renting a bike with the help of Polygon Blockchain. As people are moving towards health and fitness and also going carbon neutral they opt for cycles for short route and leisure purposes. They can't travel with it everywhere so they opt for renting it which is economical as compared to buying and taking it to long distances. The PolyBikeRental app makes the above processes easier and safer with the following steps:- Connect Wallet, Choose My Bike , Sign Up with your first and last name , Deposit Credit Matic, Check out a bike, Ride for any amount of time , Check In the bike, pay the dues as per the timing recorded by the smart contract and you are good to go. As you have seen the process is so easy for any rookie also to enter this WEB3 world.

How it's Made

I ran into quite a lot of bugs and challenges but the best learnable one's were in building the makePayment() and withdrawOwnerBalance()funtions that needed to have a core logic , did some brainstorming with my friends and mentors and got them correct. The frontend integration with the smartcontract was a bit tough to get the ethersjs setup and get the abi and contractaddress and stuff but successfully wired a connection between them through ethers.js docs. ChakraUI was completely new but integrated it with the react app to built great user experience.

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