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PODP - Proof Of Data Preservation -

PODP is Proof Of Data Preservation. PODP mint the dynamic SBTs based on the Filecoin data preservation status. That SBT proves that "I'm an actual data preserver in the community."

PODP - Proof Of Data Preservation -

Created At


Winner of


📊 Filecoin — FEVM & Data DAOs

Project Description

Users can claim SBTs for proof of data preservation by checking the deal status in the Filecoin network.

This is very related to the DATA DAO track.


One of the best practices of NFT data management is using IPFS. However, the content tends to be managed only by the creator. The content may be disappeared in the future.


One of the solutions to this is to make the incentive to preserve the NFT-related data for the community members.

And that is where PODP comes in.

PODP provides very cool SBTs to data preservers, which can be used as proof of preserving essential data for the community.

How it's Made

There is a detailed explanation in the readme.

The deal ID is an argument for claim SBT, and the smart contract checks the deal status and gets the payload CID and miner address from Filecoin API.

Then the SBT is minted to the miner reserving the data in the Filecoin ecosystem and NFT community.

Contract implementation is here.

And the SBT metadata is fetched by payload CID, so it is like dynamic SBT by the Filecoin deal.

Backend implementation is here

And the SBT metadata is fetched by payload CID, so it is like dynamic SBT by the Filecoin deal.

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