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poLateral is an FEVM-based open-source liquidity protocol to provide Filecoin collaterals as a loan for storage providers.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

po_lateral is an open-source liquidity protocol to provide Filecoin (FIL) collaterals as a loan for storage providers (SPs). The main object of the protocol is a lending pool in which liquidity providers (LPs) can supply FIL assets (other ERC-20 tokens are allowed via in-contract swap in the future) and storage providers can borrow a designated amount based on pledging and collateral requirements in offering computer storage services. The smart contract backing such a protocol will retain revenues from storage services and distribute them back to SP until the loan is paid off. During staking periods, the smart contract will also dispense interest incomes and repayment to LPs.

How it's Made

With EVM-compatible virtual machines and a solidity library to call built-in miner actor and also market API powered by Zondax, the protocol enabled loan service for storage providers. The design of the pool contract is motivated by the AAVE liquidity protocol.

Contract address Pool: 0xEe8470960EB3b01cc7c68ddc337c9fDF75cF8882 WFIL: 0xb4C851a1E4bA5195da3F7cbf2CE381F0a9d28cEC sFIL: 0x0E5a82DC378439188d64ffa2455F7bd6a298e38B MinerAPI: 0x1c9F963BcEc64585B9da8512A8965bAa7e518BA3 MarketAPI: 0xBce116D886D1DF284bf3e610F8FE6fA59886B901 Reference background image

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