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Play Me

A decentralized music streaming platform is a platform for streaming music that operates on a decentralized network, rather than being controlled by a single centralized entity.

Play Me

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

PLAYME is a decentralized music streaming Platform that creates a platform for Uploading, storing and distributing Music and playlists by contents and discovery nodes. PLAYME integrates stablecoins for artists to offer paid contents, as well as artist tokens that gives the fans the ability to access exclusive content.

How it's Made

the project was built with moralis, react which involes antd and more react plugins like react-dom and more, and web3 also with ipfs storage system for the audios and datas that will be stored which we will have to expand the min storage in the future and i belive the ipfs technology will enable our platform to stay decentralised in keeping the storage decentralised

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