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Platano o Plomo

A monkey is a web3 duel game where apes settle their problems by throwing bananas.

Platano o Plomo

Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Blockscout - Best use of Blockscout Block Explorer

Prize Pool

ApeCoin - Honorable Mention

Project Description

Platano o Plomo is a single-page game where a monkey duel in a battlefield is settled via dice and dangerous flying bananas.

Using web3auth in our application, we onboard the user such that all their interactions occur without ever needing pesky modals. First, the user logs in and is able to get some ApeCoins from us. After this, each of the two users bet their ApeCoins to settle whose banana is the biggest.

The turn-based game consists of two monkeys placed in a battlefield which is 6 chunks large. Initially, the monkeys face one another, and each player can decide in which direction the monkey will move (but not by how many steps, as this is given via a dice provided by the Chainlink VRF function.

If each monkey is facing the right way, they will throw a banana and hurt the other enemy! If the monkey hits the wall, it will change direction and not leave the battlefield.

The game is over when a monkey's health is depleted. The health starts at 100 and every time an ape is hit with a banana, it will lose some HP - until the Big Monke beats the other!

How it's Made

Front-end The front-end was developed using React, Tailwind, CSS. We are doing all the interaction via web3auth to make the usage of our game seamless. The monkeys are HTML elements that move around the page. When an action is to be performed, bananas (images contained in a div) will be shown and moved on the spot where they should land (they have absolute positioning). The animation is synchronized using JavaScript.

Smart Contracts The smart contracts for the ApeCoins and the PlatanoPlomo Game are deployed and verified on Arbitrum Sepolia. The contracts are built using Chainlink VRF for randomisation.

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