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plane based nft global web3 movement of design and application in technological advantages crypto


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

Introduction PlaneCoin is a unique platform where aviation aficionados and photographers can convert photographs of aircraft into NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). The value of these tokens is driven by the rarity of the aircraft captured, the quality of the image, and the aircraft's historical or cultural significance.

  1. Platform Structure

Capture: Users snap photographs of planes – this could be during commercial flights, airshows, historical aircraft exhibitions, or from private collections.

Mint: Once the photo's authenticity is ascertained, users can convert it into an NFT on the PlaneCoin platform.

Valuation: The system auto-assigns a preliminary value based on distinct criteria (detailed below). Market demand will cause this value to fluctuate.

  1. Valuation Factors

Aircraft Rarity: Certain aircraft, particularly vintage or those produced in limited numbers, are more rare. A photo of the iconic SR-71 Blackbird or a Spitfire from the WWII era might command a higher value than a common commercial jet.

Image Quality: An NFT based on a clear, high-res, and aesthetically pleasing image is more valuable than one from a grainy or ill-composed shot.

Historical/Cultural Significance: Aircraft with a rich history, like those involved in landmark events or used by celebrated figures, carry greater value. An image of the plane Amelia Earhart piloted, for instance, would have historic importance.

Unique Events: Capturing once-in-a-lifetime events, such as an aircraft's maiden voyage or a novel aerobatic display, can enhance an NFT's value.

  1. Verification Process

To maintain authenticity and distinctiveness:

Metadata Verification: Photos will contain embedded metadata which notes the date, place, and details of the device used. This is pivotal in ascertaining the image's authenticity.

Community Verification: PlaneCoin can empower a community-driven verification mechanism. Enthusiasts can endorse or challenge the rarity or significance of a plane.

Duplicate Detection: Implement AI and image recognition to thwart minting of identical or strikingly similar plane images.

  1. Marketplace

Trade & Auction: Holders can trade or auction their NFTs on the platform. Rarity and historical import will shape demand and determine price.

Showcase & Virtual Exhibits: Collectors can display their assets, enabling peers to admire and appreciate seldom-seen captures. Many could establish virtual galleries, curating series with historic or thematic resonance.

  1. Partnerships & Collaborations

Aircraft Producers: Forge ties with manufacturers to procure exclusive shots during product reveals or trial flights.

Museums & Historical Societies: Engage with these bodies to mint rare, non-operational aircraft images.

Air Shows & Events: Work in tandem to offer exclusive NFT releases during renowned aviation events.

  1. Future Expansions

Augmented Reality (AR) Integration: Using AR, observers can animate the plane from the NFT and observe it in motion.

Tales of the Skies: Imbue the NFT with multimedia elements, permitting the holder to explore the aircraft's history or significance further.

Education & Enlightenment: Use PlaneCoin to educate buffs about aviation lore, engineering nuances, and design through intricate NFT annotations and immersive modules.

Conclusion PlaneCoin crafts a fascinating blend of the tangible world of flight with the digital domain of NFTs. By emphasizing the rarity and historical backdrop, it establishes a bustling marketplace for fans to exchange, flaunt, and delve deep into aviation's mesmerizing heritage.

How it's Made

Introduction While our team did not finalize our project during the hackathon, we remain optimistic and dedicated. Our belief in our idea and our collective capability has not diminished. Instead, we view this setback as a stepping stone and an opportunity to refine and improve our solution for a future showcase.

  1. Reflection & Analysis

Lessons Learned: It's essential to evaluate what went well and what could have been better. Were there technical roadblocks, miscommunication, or perhaps time management issues? Understanding these challenges is the first step towards preventing them in the future.

Strengths & Potential: Despite not completing on time, certain aspects of our work were commendable. Recognizing and consolidating these strengths will be crucial in our next steps.

  1. Refinement & Development

Focused Sessions: We'll organize regular focused sessions to pick up where we left off. By breaking down tasks into manageable chunks, we'll ensure efficient progression without overwhelming team members.

Seek Feedback: Before the next event, it will be beneficial to seek feedback on our current progress. This can be from mentors, peers, or industry professionals. Fresh perspectives can offer invaluable insights.

Utilize Additional Resources: The extra time we now have allows us to tap into more extensive resources. We can attend webinars, workshops, or even online courses to further strengthen our project.

  1. Future Event Planning

Research Upcoming Events: Look for suitable hackathons, conventions, or tech conferences where our project would be a good fit.

Tailored Presentation: Each event will have its audience and theme. We'll ensure our presentation and demo are tailored to resonate with the specific crowd and judges.

  1. Team Morale & Collaboration

Staying Motivated: It's easy to feel disheartened after not meeting a set goal, but our team's spirit will define our success in the next attempt. Regular motivational sessions, celebrating small victories, and open communication will be key.

Enhanced Collaboration: Use collaborative tools and platforms more effectively. Set up regular check-ins to ensure everyone is aligned with the project's direction and progress.

  1. Preparations for Demo

Simulations: Before the real demo, we'll organize mock presentations. This will help in refining our pitch and addressing potential queries or concerns that might arise during the real event.

Technical Backup Plans: To avoid any technical glitches during the demo, we'll have backup plans in place. This includes redundancies for hardware, software, and network connections.

Conclusion Every setback is a setup for an even greater comeback. While the hackathon did not culminate as we hoped, the journey has equipped us with insights, learnings, and a renewed drive. With our cohesive team effort, continued dedication, and a strategic approach, we're confident in presenting an even more polished demo at the next event. We look forward to showcasing our innovation and determination soon.

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