This dapp is designed in such a way that creators can raise the funds in milestone and funders can vote on quality of campaign following which contract will decide weather creator is fraud or not and will only release funds when milestone is reached!
This is crowdfunding application deployed on polygon mainnet which creates a completely decentralized crowdfunding app with a verifiable and immutably published project plan.
This dapp is designed in such a way that creators can raise the funds in milestone and funders can vote on quality of campaign following which contract will decide weather creator is fraud or not and will only release funds when milestone is reached!
We used truffle to deploy all contracts to polygon mainnet, its a crowfunding dapp where anyone can create their own campaign with extraa layer of security to prevent frauds. Steps to run this locally:
clone this repository
add your private key in truffle-config.js (LINE NO 59)
RUN: truffle migrate --reset --network matic
npm run serve