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PixeLAW is an attempt to build a very primitive autonomous world that allows players to govern, play and interact at the pixel layer. The granularity of the world allows it to be inherently programmable limiting it only by imagination.


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

🥇 Starknet — Best Use

Project Description

At PixeLAW everything starts with pixels. This means that the PixeLAW world is visualised as a grid of pixels on the front-end.

Each individual pixel has 6 components that define their properties, namely position, color, unicode, ownership, permissions and time.

As the world is interoperable and permissionless creators are enabled to alter the state of the world and introduce new logic by changing the pixel components via open systems.

To showcase this, we have built three games inside PixeLAW. Paint allows players to change colors of individual pixels. Snake allows players to spawn a moving snake into the world. Rock Paper Scissors allows players to challenge each other.

In PixeLAW, these three game creators, can create very interesting experiences. By co-creating agreed systems to enable the snake to consume painted pixels or intervening into the Rock Paper Scissors game, rules are extended and new game experiences are created.

To ensure a decentralised world the PixelDAO governs over the base rules of the pixels from the very beginning. For any change to the core rules of a pixel a vote is initiated.

Moving forward, PixeLAW is intending to evolve beyond gaming. While gaming proves the thesis of autonomous worlds, social interactions and culture can also be fostered via the emergence of new applications.

PixeLAW was built using the dojo engine on Starknet.

How it's Made

Construction Process:

We began by developing the basic framework of PixeLAW using the Dojo Engine. We designed the world as a grid of pixels, each pixel having seven properties - position, color, text, ownership, permissions, type, and time. The properties for each pixel were carefully designed to be flexible and programmable to allow for creative freedom. We implemented core components for a Pixel entity and the core systems to modify them. They would act as the entrypoint for game developers to create their own games in the PixeLAW world and define the sets of rules that govern their own game.

For interoperability, the will have to expose an API in the form of systems that have permission to modify their game's component state while executing it in the context of another. As an example, suppose there are two games: Rock Paper Scissors and Snake. It would be possible for the Snake to have a different behavior when it runs into a Pixel with an RPS type. It could die if it's a Rock, shorten if it's a Scissors, and lengthen if it's a Paper. Now imagine different games inter-operating with another. This is only possible because of the common substrate that they are built on.

For the front-end, we used react and vite

Sponsor Technologies:

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