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A Dutch auction platform written in Pint, Essential's DSL for declarative smart contracts, focused on logic rather than execution.


Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Project Description

A Dutch auction platform written in Pint, Essential's DSL for declarative smart contracts, focused on logic rather than execution. The users can mint new currency, transfer currency via the essential-wallet. The users can create auctions from item_id, owner and initial_cost, since it is a Dutch based auction platform, the right to lower the cost of the auction item depends solely on the owner and owner can use the step-auction using item_id, decrease_amount. Once a bidder places bid higher than the cost of the item, and respective validity constraints meet, the amount is deducted from the bidder, and awarded to the owner and the state changes and new owner of the item becomes the bidder. The auction is also marked as closed and the earliest bidder gets the ownership.

How it's Made

The smart contracts are written in Pint, and the CLI is written in rust(taking essential-contributions/token example) as a base. The frontend is written in next.js and there is also a small python server that eases the interaction between the frontend and provides the details of all the items i.e item_id, owner, auction_active status, cost.

It is deployed on the test-net "".

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