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Web app that allows you to go prom photo to NFT in seconds, and pays you in erc-20 tokens for uploading


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Project Description

A way for people who love taking pictures, and monetize them, by selling them, and contributing to a platform, has not been made widespread yet, I wanted to build an app that allows people to monetize their hobbies. The project consists on a web app that will allow you to upload a picture, mint an NFT, and pay you in erc20 tokens according to the number you uploaded,

How it's Made

the token,nft, and logic contract, deployed on the optimism main net. a golang api uploads the pictures to a postgresql database, for the ui, technologies such as next.ts, rainbow kit for the wallet connection , foundry to compile the contracts, infer as an rpc, and wagmi for the hooks, were used to create this project.

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